Live Inspired! by Marisa Vallbona

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Why Do Some Women Tear Each Other Down?

Why Do Some Women Tear Each Other Down?

It’s time we talk about the elephant 🐘 in the room. Because sadly, it’s there and we all know it. 

On the outside women talk about cheering each other on and supporting each other. Behind the scenes, it’s a different story. Many tear each other down in jealousy. 😀They make snide and snarky comments to other women in order to discredit the ones who are crushing it. It’s not pretty or ladylike.

Women can be mean. And it starts when they’re little girls in elementary school deciding who should be in their inside circle and who should be outcast. They can be backbiting and gossipy, sabotaging each other’s success instead of lifting each other and celebrating.

Is this a learned behavior or one that is a natural part of being female? πŸ’‹

Ladies: why can’t we form a sisterhood that stops this behavior and teaches our daughters that this isn’t acceptable? It starts with us refusing to participate in gossip. 

Guys: Let’s hear from you!

Do men experience this in business or your personal lives? I have two grown sons (ages 25 and 30) and have never heard them complain of this type of behavior from their friends or colleagues.

Maybe we’d celebrate each other if we truly believed:

✅ There’s enough success for all of us!

✅ Her success is uniquely hers and your success is uniquely yours.

✅ Her success is not going to stop your success from reaching you!

✅ If she can do it, we all can do it! 



Marisa Vallbona 

Live Inspired! ❤️









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Tuesday, February 9, 2021

6 Easy Steps to Getting Comfortable on Video

6 Easy Steps to Getting Comfortable (and actually good) on Video!

Nervous at the thought of going on video? 😬 No matter how much the thought of it makes you cringe and how much you think you could never do it, I'm here to tell you that you can! πŸš€ 

Here are 6 easy steps to getting comfortable (and actually good) 🌟 on video!

πŸ‘‰ 1. Practice when nobody's looking! That's right. Shoot yourself on video knowing that you'll never post it. You're doing it for practice and to get used to seeing yourself and hearing your own voice on camera. That's one of the hardest and most embarrassing things to get used to, and the more you do it, the easier and more natural it becomes. (Even experienced web creators went through this when they were getting started!) Once you're somewhat used to seeing and hearing yourself on camera, believe me... that confidence will show when you're on video and your jitters will be reduced exponentially!

πŸ‘‰2. Now that your confidence is up, start shooting your messages in video format. Please do us all a favor and do not use a script! Not only is using a script so much harder to do than just speaking naturally into the camera, but your followers know when you're reading a script because it's stilted, unnatural and distracts them from genuinely connecting and engaging with your content. 

πŸ‘‰3. Do not worry if you make mistakes on camera. Nobody likes perfect. It’s not normal and it’s tough for your followers to approach. We're all human and making mistakes actually makes you warmer and more relatable. I've found when I mess up a little, my engagement goes up because people can relate. 

πŸ‘‰4. Look at the camera when you're shooting a video and talk to it as if you're talking to a friend or neighbor. Don't overthink it or complicate your message. Keep it simple and relax. 

πŸ‘‰5. Your followers are not thinking about your performance. They're paying attention to your message. Remember that!

πŸ‘‰6. Smile and have fun! 

So tell me❓ ... what are your biggest challenges holding you back from showing up on video? 


Marisa Vallbona

Live Inspired!










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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

I’m Embarrassed to Admit This [part 2 of 1-14-2021 post]

I’m Embarrassed to Admit This [part 2 of 1-14-2021 post] 

True confession and I’m embarrassed to admit it, but after I posted that video Jan 14, so many of y’all sent me private messages asking what I learned from that experience. I’m not proud of this, because it says a lot about who I used to be and I have trouble imagining I was ever like that… a person who didn’t know how to forgive. 

Forgiveness… how to truly let go of hurt and resentment, was my lesson from those long and painful years. I learned it, embraced it, and have been practicing it ever since. It’s second nature to me now.

Something profound happens to us when we’re shattered. We’re brought to our knees and can either stay there long enough to admit we’re helpless, examine ourselves, make changes and rise up, or we can blame others and carry on with a chip on our shoulder angry at the world. 

I truly believe that if you really strive to become a better person, you’ll face experiences and tests that will force and mold you into a better person if you pay attention. 

What are you life experiences trying to teach you? And… are you paying attention? 












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The Dash Challenge 2022

The Dash  Challenge 2022 What are you doing in The Dash? πŸ™Œ It’s new year’s and a perfect time to think about this. You know the dash betwee...