Live Inspired! by Marisa Vallbona

Sunday, January 31, 2021

What Is Your Business Doing to Set Itself Apart?

What Is Your Business Doing to Set Itself Apart?

Hey, Y'all! What are you doing to set yourselves apart? What do you do to make sure that your clients keep coming back to you? 
I woke up with a splitting headache today... Sunday morning. And where do you go to get a quality massage at a place that's open on a Sunday morning? So I found this place and I was blown away by how they set themselves apart. I've never had a massage like this... and it got me thinking, what do I do to set myself, my PR firm and our services apart? 
And I want to ask you, what do you do? What are the little details that you do? How do you make sure your clients keep coming back and refer others to you ? This place blew me away. I'm definitely going to go back. I've never had a massage like it and I've never seen a massage studio like this. 
So what are you doing to make sure your clients keep coming back to you and refer others to you? I want you to WIN! 🔥🔥🔥
Marisa Vallbona
Get Noticed ❤️
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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Have you Ever Asked God to Make You A Better Person?

Have you Ever Asked God to Make You A Better Person?

Be careful if you do. Because the journey from where you are now to where you’re going can get rough. Like it did for me in 2005 when my life was a fairy tale. 

By the end of the year it had shattered into a million pieces.

The beginning of the year is when we all set goals, right? So the other day, I was reviewing where I am in all areas of my life. 

That year, I was setting goals and asked God to make me a better person. 

I had a very happy marriage — at least my kids and I thought it was happy. My business was booming, my parents, kids and I were healthy. My finances were better than ever, and I was happier than I had ever been in my life.

Deep inside I knew I was a little selfish and lacked compassion. I wouldn’t admit it then, but deep inside something in me knew I needed to improve.

So that prayer was very appropriate. I said it and meant it.

And then my life fell apart. It came crumbling down. Big time.

My happy marriage shattered in a huge way and I was left feeling as if the oxygen was sucked out of the air I breathed. I seriously didn’t want to live anymore. My kids had to prepare my meals because I couldn’t cope. I was that devastated. That led to a domino effect of one loss after another in my personal life, my business, my parents’ health, financial loss… 

And then I went through the rebuilding, experienced huge personal losses again here and there and all the while I was growing in a big way. 

It wasn’t fun. At all.

I definitely don’t think God made that happen just because I said that prayer. 

What I do believe is that I asked to become a better person and it was like saying… 

“I’m ready for the challenge. Bring me to it and as long as you’re leading me through it I can overcome it.” 

Now, on the other side of all those years and tough lessons, I’m a lot more generous, compassionate and empathetic . I know I have many more lessons to go. They’ve definitely made me a better person.

So let me ask you again: Have you ever asked God to make you a better person? 

I’d love to hear your stories…

Live inspired!


Marisa Vallbona











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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

How to Easily Achieve That One Big Goal This Year

How to Easily Achieve That One Big Goal This Year

Want to know a super easy way to make sure your 2021 is massively successful? Here’s a strategy I love for easily achieving that one big goal you’ve set this year. I used it in 2020 and had one of my best years where I was able to finally crush a daunting goal I had set years ago but never seemed to be able to achieve it. I’d set the same goal at the beginning of the year, give up part way through the year disappointed in myself and then move it to the next year. Y’all, this went on for three years. Three years!!! Until I figured out an easier way. And can I tell you how effortless and amazing it felt to finally meet my goal? Knowing I FINALLY DID IT was amazing! 🙌 I want you to feel just as great if not better 12 months from now when you’ve crushed your one big goal. This is so easy, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do this before. Live inspired! ❤️ XOXO, Marisa Vallbona . . . . . . . . . . . . #resolutions #success #successstrategy #goals #2021 #goals2021 #newyearsresolutions #goalsetting #goalgetter #goalkeeper #successful #wealth #abundance #vision #entrepreneur #inspire #entrepreneurlife #achieve #inspiration #determination #positive #positivevibes #business #successmindset # #leadership #crushit #marisavallbona # #liveinspired #successtips

The Dash Challenge 2022

The Dash  Challenge 2022 What are you doing in The Dash? 🙌 It’s new year’s and a perfect time to think about this. You know the dash betwee...