Live Inspired! by Marisa Vallbona

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Love Monday & Crush it All Week!

You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach you get on Sunday evenings just anticipating Monday? you get that if you're not thrilled with your job. Around 20% of people love Mondays and crush it all week. That's not a lot. So here's how you can be one of them... Completely let go over the weekend and immerse yourself in activities with friends and family that occupy your mind and let your body exercise and relax, which gets your creativity flowing. It's like a mini vacation every 5 days. Try it and you'll notice a massive difference in how you approach Mondays. You might just hit the ground running and have a much better week!
Live inspired! ❤️ XOXO, Marisa Vallbona
Instagram @mvallbona Instagram business @cim_incpr Facebook LinkedIn

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