Live Inspired! by Marisa Vallbona

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Leave it to 23andMe to Shock Me with These Results!

Leave it to 23andMe to Shock Me with These Results!

So I finally got my 23andMe results and what I learned about myself threw me for a loop. I never saw that coming! 

The results told me the obvious, and then… 

They told me a couple of really cool doozies that blew me away!

If you haven’t done a 23andMe test, I highly recommend it. The surprises you’ll uncover are so much fun!

Live inspired! ❤️


Marisa Vallbona

#23andMe #genetics #family #familytree #health #history #familyhistory #loveyourself #dna #science #ancestry #genes #biology #love #life #marisavallbona #liveinspired #heritage #love #cousins

Monday, December 21, 2020

How to Look Great on Zoom -- This System Works!

How My Clients Are Using Zoom to Win Big and You Can Too! 

We all get lazy on Zoom. It’s like walking into an important meeting without paying attention to details. It doesn’t matter that the other person hasn’t paid attention to details. It matters that YOU have paid attention to details. It shows respect for yourself and for them, and it communicates that you are beyond capable of handling their business better than anyone else. How many opportunities have you lost because you've overlooked this important fact? I like to win and help my clients win, so I did a deep dive, researched and tested everything I could find on making the best impression on Zoom. There’s a lot of bad, skimpy and incomplete advice online. So I created my own system that anyone can learn in about an hour: a video course of real insider secrets you need to know to level up your Zoom presence and make the best impression. It already resulted in one of my clients finally getting a yes valued at MILLIONS OF DOLLARS! She had been turned down during bank Zoom meetings before and thought her Zoom presence was just fine. It was okay but not professional, and it had nothing to do with her attire image. It was her lighting, camera angle, background and technology. She was making the same mistakes people make every day. After my course, she hopped on a Zoom meeting with a bank that said YES for a close to $17 million commercial construction loan! This system works! Click below to get it now! (With A 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee) How to Look Amazing on Zoom to 10X Your Success in Less Than 1 Hour:

Click here to get it now:


Marisa Vallbona

Live Inspired!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

How to Make Beautiful Gift Bows in 3 Easy Steps

It’s so exciting to get gifts beautifully wrapped in sparkly packages, no matter what’s inside. It almost doesn’t matter, because half the fun is the anticipation of finally getting to open it. Here’s a short “How To” video showing you how you can quickly make your gifts sparkle and wow with handmade bows. Once you see how easy this is to do in 3 easy steps, you’ll never buy a ready-made bow again! 

PS. If you want tips on how to quickly wrap a package department store style, let me know and I’ll shoot another video for you. 

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holidays to all… and especially during this season, don’t forget to…

Live inspired! ❤️


Marisa Vallbona

Instagram @mvallbona Instagram business @cim_incpr 

The Dash Challenge 2022

The Dash  Challenge 2022 What are you doing in The Dash? 🙌 It’s new year’s and a perfect time to think about this. You know the dash betwee...