Live Inspired! by Marisa Vallbona

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Sharks Goals & Go Getters

Who do you surround yourself with? Positive people who inspire you to new heights and view the world from a place of abundance, or negative people who view the world from a place of scarcity and drain your energy? All this makes a huge difference in our success! Live inspired! ❤️ XOXO, Marisa Vallbona

Instagram @mvallbona Instagram business @cim_incpr Facebook LinkedIn

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

They Said It Was The Best Christmas Gift Ever

A recent trip to the mall where everything was decked out in holiday cheer but the shoppers were less than cheerful reminded me of the year I gave the perfect gift. They said it was the best Christmas gift ever… Live inspired! ❤️ XOXO, Marisa Vallbona
Instagram @mvallbona Instagram business @cim_incpr Facebook LinkedIn

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Chase Your Why Like Your Life Depends on It

In order to reach your goals, you have to chase them as if your life depends on it, and that means knowing your WHY!
Live inspired! ❤️ XOXO, Marisa Vallbona

Instagram @mvallbona Instagram business @cim_incpr Facebook LinkedIn

The Dash Challenge 2022

The Dash  Challenge 2022 What are you doing in The Dash? 🙌 It’s new year’s and a perfect time to think about this. You know the dash betwee...