Live Inspired! by Marisa Vallbona

Friday, May 21, 2021

I Was Told I Have Too Much Fat

I Was Told I Have Too Much Fat

Me. Yes, me! I joined a gym and was offered a free personal training session that started with the trainer asking my height, weight and calculating my body mass index (BMI) and fat.

“You have too much fat,” he told me as he showed me my BMI at 18.3 and body fat at 35.2%.

I laughed. He was so wrong. 

“Find it,” I wanted to challenge him. I told him I like the way I look in a bikini. I was pissed! 

He asked me about my diet and tried to “fix” it, although there was nothing to fix, and kept questioning my weight to the point that he asked me to step on the scale. Because I lied about how much I weigh? 

I stepped on the scale for him. And weighed exactly what I told him I weighed. The same as I’ve weighed since 5th grade. He scratched his head and said he’s never seen anything like it and was having trouble understanding. What? That a woman can have that body fat and not weigh much? 

“You’re what we call skinny fat,” he explained. 

Seriously? This idiot tried to body shame me. 

Except it didn’t work. I know I’m not fat. Not even close. He tried to convince me. I didn’t buy it.

I left that evening with the whole experience playing in my head because it bugged me so much.

Research shows I fall in the body fat percentage range I need to be for my age. I’m healthy, which is something I’ve known and felt in my heart and intuition for a long time. 

Humans need fat to lubricate our joints, keep our skin supple and plumped and our hair smooth. It protects our heart and so many other things. 

That guy tried to shake my confidence and it didn’t work.

What happens if we don’t have a solid body image and fall for these lies others tell us that we should believe about ourselves? 

What if someone wanted to be fat, liked rocking a thick body and carried it with sass and confidence? Why should that bother anyone else?

Why is it so important to some people to control what others eat, whether they work out or how they look? 

Can we accept everyone for who they are and please stop this body shaming? 


Marisa Vallbona

Live Inspired! ❤️




#stopbodyshaming #bodyshaming #loveyourbody #bodyacceptance #bodyimage #body #selflove  #inspiration #ilovemybody #selfcare #fatshaming #selfacceptance #marisavallbona #liveinspired

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